Cryogenic Array Coil for Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Wenjun Wang

Research focus 
The overall objective of this PhD project is to improve signal to noise ratio in magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain by designing low-noise multi-element array coils and implementing them in a MR system. 

The performance of magnetic resonance systems is mainly limited by the system signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The problem of low SNR is particularly acute in spectroscopy, where the concentration of nuclei of interest other than hydrogen is very low.

In order to reduce the noise of the array, the elements of the array and associated frontend electronics will be cooled down to cryogenic temperatures. This will result in reduction of thermal noise due to resistive losses of the coil and integrated matching/tuning circuitry. The sample noise, on the other hand, can be decreased by decreasing coil size, which will inevitably lead to decreased field of view. To overcome this problem, multiple-coil elements (arrays) will be developed.

The vision is to enable whole-brain hyperpolarized MR spectroscopic imaging of the brain metabolism in patients with neurological diseases. This can provide crucial new knowledge for the physicians and neurologists diagnosing and treating devastating diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis.


Scientific output

Find Wenjun's publications at DTU's online research database ORBIT

The project is funded by Danish National Research Foundation as part of the HYPERMAG Center of Excellence (DNRF124). 

Assoc Prof Vitaliy Zhurbenko and Prof Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen.


Project period 
September 2019 - August 2022.




Wenjun Wang
DTU Health Tech